What is Knob and Tube Wiring: Is It Safe?
Learn how to identify knob & tube wiring and why it's a good candidate for replacement

Dryer Vent Safety & Maintenance
Clothes dryers lead to 15,000 house fires a year - Is yours safe?

How to Buy a House: The Ultimate Guide for First Time Home Buyers (in 2020)
Buying a home is one of the biggest investments of your life. Planning ahead is paramount.

What is a double tapped circuit breaker?
A double tap is a common electrical defect in electric service panels, but what does it mean for your home?

When to Replace Your Water Heater
When your water heater fails, there isn’t much time to consider your options, unless you happen to enjoy frigid showers or don't need clean dishes!

Pre Listing Inspection: What is it?
Pre-listing inspections are the simple trick to selling a home fast.